Welcome to Livenal! Your Property Management Experts!

Why Choose Us?

Unrivaled Excellence

At Livenal Property Management & Consulting, we take pride in delivering unrivaled excellence in holiday home and residential property management in the city of Zagreb and the Rogoznica ( Šibenik region). With a proven track record and exceptional service, we ensure your property is in safe hands. Our expert team is dedicated to providing a seamless experience for both you and your guests, ensuring peace of mind and the highest standards of care.

Happy Clients

Livenalʼs attention to detail and exceptional service have made managing my holiday home a stress-free experience. I highly recommend their services.


I am incredibly impressed with Livenalʼs dedication to ensuring that my holiday home is always in top condition. Their professionalism is unmatched.


I couldnʼt be happier with Livenalʼs management of my rental property. Their attention to detail and prompt communication have exceeded my expectations.


How We Can Assist?

Discover how our comprehensive property management services can enhance the quality and value of your investment. Let us handle the details, so you can enjoy peace of mind and maximize your returns.